Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Our YOUth Ministry begins from 6th grade-High school every Wednesday night from 7-8pm.
Youth students experience teachings directly from the word of God. YOUth Night is where students are encouraged to build a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and are given the tools they need in learning how to apply God's word to challenges that youth are faced with today.
With outings once a month to the movies, bowling and other fun activities,
our youth students will certainly have a great time at YOUth Night!
Youth students experience teachings directly from the word of God. YOUth Night is where students are encouraged to build a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and are given the tools they need in learning how to apply God's word to challenges that youth are faced with today.
With outings once a month to the movies, bowling and other fun activities,
our youth students will certainly have a great time at YOUth Night!
How can the young keep his way pure?
By guarding it according to God's word.
Psalm 119:9

Youth Night - Every Wednesday at 7:00pm

Meet Our Family Pastor
Pastor Andre is a our Youth and Children's Ministry Director. He is a Certified Assembly of God Minister. He is passionate about reaching and discipling children and teens in the church and community to live out the calling that God has placed in each of their lives. Pastor Andre a powerful preacher, a great teacher, and musician (drums & bass). He has a passion for evangelism, enjoys street preaching, leading a neighborhood Bible study where he is able to share the Gospel and his testimony of how his life has been transformed. Pastor Andre and his wife Liza and they have 3 children - Hayden, Harley, and Helena.
Nearly 75 years later, Speed the Light is one of the most effective youth missions ministries in existence. Since its beginning, over $300 million has been raised for missionary equipment around the world. And, Speed the Light is still helping to disciple students to live a life of generosity as they become personally responsible for the mission of God by helping our missionaries make Jesus known throughout the world. If our missionaries are going to get to those who do not yet know Jesus, it will be because of Speed the Light. Every missionary in the Assemblies of God will at some point fly, drive, or float to their destination in transportation that has been provided to them by our churches and students through Speed the Light. Airplanes, cars, vans, motorcycles, bicycles, trucks, buses, boats, horses, camels, donkeys, wheel barrows, etc...if it has wheels or hooves and can carry a missionary to a country, city, town, village, or under a card board box where someone is waiting to hear about Jesus, Speed the Light has provided it.
Simply put, we give so our missionaries can travel faster, preach clearer, and be heard louder in order for all to know Jesus.
Simply put, we give so our missionaries can travel faster, preach clearer, and be heard louder in order for all to know Jesus.

Life Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
At McAllen First Assembly we believe that discipleship is a vital tool in the life of a believer to help build one another up, and most importantly bring growth in your personal relationship with God. No matter what age you are, stage of life you're in, whether you're married or single, We would love to get you plugged into a Life Group!